Lost Arrow Ranch is a family owned and operated vineyard and craft winery committed to doing our part to help restore health to our planet, while bringing simple pleasures to the human heart. We believe what we put in our bodies matters, and our farming and winemaking reflect this fact. Our ranch is:
Sustainably farmed
Wildlife and vegan friendly
A dog, cat, and people refuge
It’s here, at the gateway to the Fair Play AVA, that we do what we love… crafting unique, very small-production wines with a sensitivity for the land we work and live on.
Good wine is made in the vineyard. With this as our guiding principle, we give intense attention to growing the healthiest and naturally expressive fruit possible by encouraging ecological health and essential biodiversity in our vineyards.
Our approach in the cellar is similar. By minimizing human intervention and maintaining the purity of what nature provides, we nurture wines to express the unique characters of the varieties and vineyards identified on our labels. Our estate wines are always:
Synthetic compounds free
Vegan friendly
Gluten free
GMO free
Maintaining this fidelity with nature, while making the most expressive wines possible, is our passion. To stand apart from the formulated wine styles so pervasive today is our goal.
"He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for humans to cultivate - bringing forth food from the earth: wine that gladdens the human heart, oil to make their faces shine, and bread that sustains their hearts." - Psalms 104:14
This reflects the deeply personal motivation behind what we do... A satisfaction that comes from crafting something that brings pleasure to others - to "gladden the human heart". Or, as author Steve Faber urges readers, to "do what you love, in the service of people who love what you do."
None of this is possible, or even worthwhile, without you. If what moves us moves you, we invite you to join us at Lost Arrow Ranch as we set out to bring to your table some of the finest craft wines California has to offer.
Joseph Sogge, Winemaker